Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2 Year Old Witbier

The beer itself may only be 7 weeks old (starting on the day it was brewed), but the ingredients are really much older than that. I had all of the best of intentions of brewing a witte a really, really, really, really long time ago, but instead just held onto the ingredients as brewing opportunities blew past me. I even swapped out the perishable ingredients a couple of times, after all, yeast only lasts 3-6 months. To give you another hint at the aging process, the wheat malt was practically red by the time it went into the wort, and this is the most amber Witte I have ever drank. To add insult to injury I could not bring myself to wrack it into secondary, and then I could not brink myself to bottle it, so it stayed in primary for 3 weeks. But it tastes pretty good and that is pretty much all that matters, right?

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